How do we let a terrorist out of jail early "on good behavior"?
Regarding paid maternity leave: Why should I pay someone to stay at home and do nothing for my business? I don't mind giving an employee leave to take care of their personal issues, but I will not pay them for that. I owe you a wage for your work. I do not owe you a living nor a free ride.
Why is Michael Moore so tweaked about 'American Sniper'? It's a movie that deals in facts. Oh wait, maybe that's what has him discombobulated.
The fighter jet escorts are there so that if someone decided to do evil and fly the airplane towards a heavily populated civilian area, the jets would take immediate actions to prevent further people from danger.
To all those Yankees who sneered at us during Snowjam - nyaaaaahhhh!
Has anything good ever come from Craigslist?
You round up the morons who are in favor of the "Braves bridge" and then demand that they pay for it. They will sing a different song then.
New Yorkers, we are getting our revenge for making fun of our driving in the ice and snow. Oh, wait a minute, you have all moved here to our chagrin.
Citizens United allowed unlimited corporate money into the political system and increased the domination of democracy by the wealthy elite. Translation, now the wealthy pick their little puppets and pay for their elections with negative ads and then write legislation for their puppet to sign.
Great - now I want French toast.
If the Democrats care so much about the environment and the health of the American people, why didn't they outlaw tobacco products when they had the votes to shove Obamacare down our throats?
I was told the Bible says, "The poor will always be with us." So any project we take to end poverty will always end in defeat.
There are already laws against perjury to secure warrants to stage military style assaults against babies. A new law will just be ignored. It was not a "botched raid," but a calculated lie.
Can anyone tell the logic of putting benches by historical markers?
To me, oil executives are no different than drug dealers. They both create a highly desired product. Yet, care nothing about its effect on people. It's all about the money!
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