Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens. That would be bad if it were true. Most uninsured go to emergency rooms which we ultimately pay for with higher premiums. Obamacare reduced people using emergency rooms as their primary care.

Friendship should have no color or political affiliation!

Mary, mother of Jesus, is said to have been between 10 and 14 years old at time of conception! Normal for that day but scandalous today! So, try to accept that "normal" then was different from what is normal now! Read a book!

Being found "not guilty" has a whole different meaning for politicians and public officials than it does for the rest of us.

We have 440 days until the election. I can only imagine how ugly the Vent will become.

How can Mercedes sign a 27-year deal when Blank will want a new stadium in 10?

Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11.

Donald Trump is just doing this as an experiment to gauge the level of American intolerance and stupidity right….

We spend another day arguing about Bush and Obama's birth certificate. It doesn't matter. You folks are absolutely ridiculous.