If you insist on texting and driving, at least do it up on the steering wheel so you can see the accident you are about to create. You are not fooling anyone by doing it in your lap.

So that ugly bus in Atlanta is called street car. No way, doesn't even resemble a street car, just Atlanta wasting tax payer money

I have nothing to hide, but the Bill of Rights, specifically the 4th Amendment, says they must have probable cause to stop me.

Mankind is no match for nature.

Rest in peace Stuart Scott. Your brave fight is an inspiration to us all.

So Arthur Blank fires a winning coach and is interviewing losing coaches for the job.

The problem with history is nobody really reads or understands the relevance of history or even cares about history but the more time passes the more history there is.

If the NFL just told us who was going to win these games beforehand it would make betting much easier.

Some Venters need a New Year's resolution to not be so hateful. You can vent without being so mean spirited.

What the conservatives seem unable to comprehend is that religious freedom is a very simple concept. Leave me alone to embrace my silly beliefs about the nature of the divine, and I will leave you alone to embrace yours. It's really that simple.

The SEC would still be on top if points were added to the team scores for fan hootin' and hollerin'.

I hope the statistician voted to the bottom takes solace in the fact that Venters consistently do not consider facts or truth when voting.

Our economy is growing at 5 percent, the Dow is over 18,000, gas prices are near $2 per gallon, the unemployment rate is 5.9 percent, and the annual deficit is one third of the level left by Bush. Can you imagine how successful things could have been if the Republican Congress had not fought Obama every step of the way.