Reality shows are about as "real" as Gilligan's Island.

I'm ready to register as an independent. Both the Republicans and Democrats are worthless.

Adding part time jobs is not improving an economy that is starving on part time work.

If I had to choose products by watching TV commercials, I'd never buy anything!

When you take Flo off the air, please take the 2 Sonic guys too.

After seeing the latest iPhone ad, do parents not read a book to their kids anymore?

Before cellphones, an engine breakdown could mean a five mile walk in 95 degree heat, or worse.

Everyone knows there are more jobs available in the summer. Check the stats in September when the pools and amusement parks close.

When you're blue, being nice to someone else, even for a moment, has no calories, takes your mind off yourself, and is healthier than sugary and fatty foods.

How about we give up on the Middle East and send out troops to clean things up in Central America?

Problem with Atlanta traffic is all the newcomers drive like they still live in Chicago, Detroit, New York, or Boston.

When I came to America, I thought football was boring but after watching a few games I learned more about it. If you thought the soccer World Cup final was boring, watch more games to understand what was going on.

Will someone tell me who the heck Flo is??