It doesn't make sense to turn real criminals out into the street so we can make room in jail for people charged with possession of weed.
Spend your holiday money in locally owned small businesses that keep our economy running.
Never underestimate a quiet, soft-spoken person.
I have my health and my family. Life is good.
A lot of my friends — many of whom are Democrats — are complaining the Affordable Care Act is not too expensive. Time to scrap this beast.
If you're smart enough to buy the most expensive vehicle, why do you still block the crosswalk at a stop light?
To my dog, I am a member of the family. To my cat, I am the hired help.
It's obvious Georgia schools don't teach critical thinking!
Can we please save the whining over saying "Merry Christmas" until after Thanksgiving?
Backing into a parking space requires you set your mirrors so you can see something other than your rear fenders — which most people don't understand.
Dearest southern neighbors: it's not cold. Cold is when the wind is whipping through the itsy bitsy holes running up and down your coat zipper.
I'm glad I don't live in Cobb County. My taxes are already high enough.
I wish the hippies would come back to Piedmont Park, circa 1969. We need them now.
Please don't start that "war on Christmas" nonsense. We celebrate the way we always have.
Bush has remained silent because his writers are gone and they disconnected the teleprompter.
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