It's not just malpractice claims keeping premiums high. It's also that the insured are paying for the uninsured.
$16 trillion in debt and the US is giving money away Obama, the buck has to stop here.
Has anyone looked at the waste in federal programs and the duplicity of the agencies?
Biggest lie in the world …I have read and agree to the terms of service.
Why do we subsidize gas companies when they've had record profits for years? Don't even get me started on farming welfare.
Is there anyone old enough to remember when Congress did anything useful?
The sequester gives us an excellent opportunity to see how effectively the feds manage the resources entrusted to them.
The sequester bill was written by Jack Lew and the White House, but both parties voted for it.
The only thing some politicians ever take a stand on is their bathroom scale.
Is the economy going to go belly up before anyone notices what's going on in Washington?
Our state legislators want government to be like discount stores: low cost and low quality.
The nuclear power plant is running substantially over cost. Just wait until the clean up bill hits.
The effects of the sequester may not be immediate. Give it time.
People in red states tend to hate state government and try to defund it. People in blue states tend to support state government and are overall pleased with the services. You get what you pay for.
Once again, the smartest vent of the day is at the bottom of the list!