Kim Kardashian tweeted "No Justice." This comes from the girl whose dad defended O.J. Simpson.

There are 2 types of Americans: Those who contribute and make the USA a better place to live and those who contribute to the crime rate and prison population.

We are becoming corrosive as a nation. The politicians promote it and the media endorses it.

Teddy Roosevelt warned against "hyphenated Americanism" over 100 years ago and we still haven't learned.

To me, OMG means Obama Must Go.

Medicare is going broke because doctors and hospitals consider it a cash cow. There's no justification for the ever-increasing prices.

Never let a contrived crisis go to waste.

If the facts don't support your point of view, make up some that do.

Big tattoos that cover a person's shoulder and/or arm are just a teeny tad over the top, don't you think?

Motto for Atlanta drivers seems to be "I don't let driving interfere with my phone calls."

The Vent just proves that opinions are like feet. Everyone has 'em, but some stink more than others.

If the oceans are becoming more acidic and it's hotter and the ice caps are melting, we can handle it about as well as the dinosaurs.

Are still under watering restrictions?

There are only 46 days left in the summer. (LOL)

I'm a server in a restaurant and we love tattooed customers. They are usually the best tippers and most polite of customers.

They say dealing with adversity will build character. I say it will reveal it!

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