Hey Vietnam vet with 20 years of service, thanks for your service. The sacrifice you and your family made is greatly appreciated.

I always thought the reason certain things were chosen as team names was because you admired their fighting spirit and fortitude.

Am I totally out of touch because almost nothing offends me? Oh wait, I am offended by the perpetually offended who should get a life and shut up.

I get offended by a lot of things. I just tell myself to get over it.

Anyone who throws an animal into traffic is a really sorry excuse for a human being. They should be living in a cage in an animal shelter facing euthanasia.

Gotta love the cigarette smoking relative who insists that my food choices are hazardous to my health.

I don’t remember the Georgia Crackers but I do remember the Atlanta Crackers.

To the people who are having a problem with the father who left his son in the car and he died: Please don’t judge. You don’t know facts. And whatever they do will never be more than what he is doing to himself.

Gas is 30 cents a gallon cheaper in Alabama. Worth the ride.

Rather than limit weight and size, airlines should adjust the cabins for today’s physique within limitations and quit cramming us in like each of us is a 90-pound weakling. Time to stand up to the airlines, frequent fliers. Think about those times when you don’t get your upgrade!

Soccer should have an NBA-type “flop” rule.

I drink Diet Coke just for the taste of it. Honest!

Since metro Atlanta’s roads are too dangerous for bicycle riders, how about Atlanta Motor Speedway renting out the big track to them? They could rake in a lot of money on concessions, etc.

Speaking of the dregs of society, most of the vents lately have been posted by them.

Rode the bike this morning and the only issues seemed to be with the “bubbas” and their idiotic lifted pickups. Didn’t matter if they had plenty of room to pass or not. Just being redneck idiots.

Face it, if you are a Republican, Obama is a boob. If you are a Democrat, every Republican that breathes is a boob. Guess what? You are the true boob!

Real men play Futbol!

Maybe he forgot the kid in the car because the kid was already dead.

“Braves” and “Indians” are not derogatory terms. “Redskins” is. It’s that simple.

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