I'm sick of hearing about the "rich Republicans". I'm a Republican, and I make $10 per hour.
When a politician says, "We need to cut spending", what it really means is that he or she is all for cutting spending as long as it's in someone else's district. Thid is why politicians are so despised.
Thinking like a victim makes you a victim of your own self-pity.
Regional dialects are interesting. Misuse of grammar and poor syntax are not.
Why waste time watching a basketball game? Tune into the last five minutes and you'll see all you need to see.
Why in the world would anyone want to record four television programs at once?
It seems to be extremely difficult for those who believe we should all think alike to live respectfully in a world of so many people with so many different opinions.
Women don't lie about their age. We just stop keeping track after a certain point.
Pithy Vent, where art thou?
If you're not ahead of the curve, you're behind it.
I'm so far behind that I'm almost caught up.
Can't Sarah Palin just go away?
Whatever you want to call it, we had better have a plan for our changing climate and the real possibility of severe drought.
You are not a parasite just because you receive support from the government. Chances are, you earned it.
The most important job is being a good parent. If you fail at that, nothing else matters.
Overheard: "I hear he's the first Jewish Pope." A few seconds later, "Oh, what? Jesuit?" That made me laugh!
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