When will parents take responsibility for their child's behavior? Stop blaming others when you don't do your job.

I think that the men and women in the U.S. Congress should wear patches on their suits with their "sponsors" and a total dollar amount - so we all know who paid what for whom, when, where and how.

I think the time is coming very soon that somebody will answer Hillary's question, "What difference does it make?"

People, use your turn signals. In a manner of a few minutes, I saw almost three accidents. You're inconsiderate and lazy. If you were hit from behind and I saw this I would stay around to give the police a statement in the other driver's favor.

What the government gives, the government can take away.

Teachers should realize that any inappropriate relationship with a student is going to cost them their career. Yet, they keep having these relationships. Why?

If career politicians at the IRS are the ones who played "dirty tricks" on conservative groups, who is in charge?

Atlanta: the city too busy to think.

How would you like to be Jay Carney - and have to defend the undefendable?

If you send me an e-mail that is a "must read" or a "must see," be assured that I won't.

The Vent is like a big jug of fresh, unprocessed milk. The cream rises to the top and the sludge settles to the bottom.

It seems that people are reducing life down to the buzz words. That's what the MBAs and Madison Avenue types do so that they don't have to think. Think about that!

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