I'd like to send a big bag of doggie treats to the Alpharetta K9 dog that chased the mugger into the woods and bit him.
It's not that parents can't control their kids; the problem is they WON'T control their kids.
Nowadays, common sense is too rare.
There is no cure for willful ignorance.
My wife got a speeding ticket in DeKalb for going 11 mph over the speed limit on I-285. Her only offense in 12+ years. She paid the fine online and the next day she got a summons to appear in court. No wonder traffic courts are clogged!
We can make so many rules and regulations when it comes to building a car, but automakers can't build them so when the windshield wipers come on, the lights automatically come on?
Moderation is now a dirty word. Service to self is the new normal.
Sanity is its own reward.
It seems counterintuitive that older cars are exempt from emissions testing.
The most overused word in the English language is "hero."
I find it ironic that a governor who has signed off on 261 executions is the keynote speaker at a right to life convention.
Dear Russia, Please keep Snowden. We don't want him. Love, His Uncle Sam.
If you think government is the root of all evil, read about the government-free Dark Ages. Don't think any sane person wants a replay of that patch of history.
"Military solution" is an oxymoron.
Republicans can't compete because their ideas are older than their money.
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