When someone without insurance or the ability to pay shows up at an emergency room, they're imposing that cost on others. It's not that hard to understand.

Pelosi said liberals don't have a spending problem, they have a revenue problem. They can spend all day long, and just need more money to keep up their habits.

I'm left handed. It was not a choice, but it works fine for me and I am in my right mind.

The top 2 vents show what is wrong. Both sides believe God is on their side when God is probably disgusted with both.

Don't you just love liberals who think they know what the Tea Party stands for?

Do what is right by whom? A Democrat just wants more and more money to spend.

With all the food he eats, how does Dagwood stay so thin?

What would Nelson Mandela have done? He would have shaken the hands of everyone, friend or enemy. Critics should read up on what he was about and try to behave more like him.

Healthcare isn't a right, but what a sad commentary on our society when we deny basic healthcare to anyone we think hasn't earned it.

You must be very smug and self assured to assume you will always be able to afford to pay for your health care.

Higher wages are part of the solution to getting rid of costly entitlement programs.

Vents about people drawing more Social Security than they contribute don't do well because retired people have plenty of time to vote.

Nancy Pelosi got 500 bills passed; Boehner got 55 which is the lowest. Now who is not worth their salary?