Let companies hire who they want, pay what they want, and offer whatever benefits they want. That's called 'freedom', and I support it.

It's time to recall Ralph Hudgens. His latest remarks suggesting people with preexisting health conditions have only themselves to blame is too much. He is an embarrassment to our state.

Knowing what you now know, who would you vote for……Bush or Obama?

Many venters have an excess of opinions and a minimal amount of facts.

Reading the vent everyday only reenforces the fact that Georgia's schools are abject failures.

Retirees take out more from SS than they put in because their contributions are not invested over their working life. My investments have always returned at least 6%… I wish my SS contributions did.

Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone.

I'm so glad December's here and winter's finally over!

Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 will make colleges close down since you won't need a degree to make good money.

It's ok Gov. Deal, senior citizens do not need heat.

Even Henry VIII had social welfare for the poor. Do you really want to go back pre-sixteenth century?

Who is the government?? It's us; we live in a democracy.

The government runs Medicare and Social Security and they are highly efficient, organized and helpful.

Don't forget the government ran GM profitably under President Obama.

I took a close look at my body today and realized I don't look half bad for 75 years old. The only problem is I'm 42.