Sadly, we are being crushed under the weight of political correctness.
It was great growing up in Atlanta in the 1950s. Now, I never go downtown because of so much crime. All of the so called "progress" ruined a great city. What a shame.
If you want a car will you please buy one and stop stealing what someone else has worked hard for.
Spay or Neuter my pet? I can think of a few neighbors I'd like to take to the local shelter.
If Luckovich is excited about Michelle Bachman leaving, then I cannot wait to see how he reacts when Nancy Pelosi retires!
….[they] can't even run their own life, I'll be damned if they'll run mine…
I am grateful to the men and women who served our country in war, the greatest generation also belongs to the fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who provide for their family, there are many dangerous occupations our providers do everyday to keep our country going
We all need to think about the US citizen being detained on false drug charges before visiting Mexico. But for the grace of…you could be next.
There is no excuse for driving drunk or impaired. Quit complaining about dropping the blood level test and stay out from behind the wheel when you imbibe.
I am shocked to hear that the IRS blocked the applications of hundreds of non-profit organizations, many of which have stated their desire to…eliminate the IRS.
If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem.
Hey, folks! There is not one plausible reason, not one, for ever exiting your automobile while the engine is still running…especially if you have children aboard!
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