The Vent for Monday

GA Power kept the lights on! That's what they did.

Not hard to "make the right decisions" if you bother to read and hear the weather forecasts and prepare accordingly. Common sense helps, too.

I understand the frustration of being stuck on the roadside in the storm, but that is no reason to throw your trash and cigarette butts out there.

Question: Why did the NFL decide to hold the Super Bowl in an open-air stadium in New Jersey instead of a domed stadium in Atlanta? Answer: They were concerned it might snow.

18 wheelers are a big problem in the ice and if you don't believe that, try putting one in neutral and pushing it out of the way !!!

Very cold ground temps from our unusual January caused the snow to immediately turn to ice once a car drove over it. It was a nightmare but January has been unusually cold to say the least.

It is very easy to sit on the sidelines and make some resentful accusations about the situation of the traffic. If you live in Atlanta, there will always be traffic jams. Get over it.

We need to give a parade for all our city's Good Samaritins.

Mr. Blank, You just threw away millions of dollars for your new stadium. Our government just guaranteed we won't be hosting any Super Bowls anytime soon.

Once again, the environazis trumpet the need for more public transportation without considering that busses get stuck in the same traffic as the rest of us…or who is going to get stuck with the bill for new rail lines.

Once the ice melted on the roads, the usual high-speed Atlanta drivers got back out there and began kicking up that sand onto other vehicles, sandblasting the paint and windshield of those vehicles in the process.

Freshing my resume so I can apply to be the new Director of GEMA.

The real problem with the snow jam was the fire under the MARTA train at 5 Points. Most of us would have been way ahead of the crowd if not for that slowing us down.

Antlantartica is trying to get the Name to Stick. What Hotlanta?

Atlantans and Dekalb County have being paying into TSPLOST for 40-years. It's time for "Tea Party" districts to their fair share.