We've hit a new low when teenagers shoot a jogger just because they're bored.

How does the US continue to send aid to other countries when we're trillions in debt?

Praise for all involved in the McNair Academy rescue. Students, faculty, police, all first responders, great job!

People who spend so much time on their cellphones in public are the noisy majority. It's social arrogance.

More and more people are now against Obamacare. What took you so long to catch on?

Eliminate the pre-existing clause and have insurance companies compete across state lines.

The person declaring "when food prices equal or exceed ticket prices, it is time to start watching the games at home" obviously hasn't been to the movies recently.

Why do we care about "killer" Ray Lewis' home?

When will the U.S. get serious about treating mental illness?

Tell the churches that want $15.5M that you want a third donated to charity and watch them back out.

Why is our health insurance tied to our employer? We would never consider car or home with such a tie. At least with those two types of insurance I feel like a real consumer with real choices.

Craigslist may not be the right place to meet people for a relationship, but for sales of new and used items in a very convenient manner, it can't be beat. Our economy would definitely suffer without it.

How do we know what is in Obamacare? We stay informed. Apparently, you're not informed enough to know the liberals opposing viewpoint.