Why should the village pay the bills for raising your child? You need to be responsible and teach your child the same.

When a wise man builds a house, he chooses brick over straw. Same thing with education. The raw materials "parents" give teachers to work with make a big difference.

If public schools are failing, we should also have some parent/child accountability in the mix. You can take a kid to school, but you can't make him learn.

If Anthony Weiner has two or three more sex scandals, his wife will be qualified to run for president.

So Georgia is being sued by Florida, which is surrounded by water, over water from two rivers that begin and flow through miles and miles of Georgia?

If your lane of traffic is blocked, you do not have the right of way to barge into oncoming traffic!

Regarding scientists who claim climate change is caused by man: follow their money trail to the grants they receive to "research" climate change and who they are selling their results.

When people swindle $1 mil and get a $1000 fine, do they also have to repay the $1 mil?

Your 95-year-old grandfather had national health insurance for the last 30 years of his life - it's called Medicare.

Find Five should be renamed the Find Four, as that is as many as I seem to get.

You can have austerity or prosperity, not both.

Kim Kardashian might be trapped in her closet.

Are all Vent voters conservative?

Republicans gerrymandered their way into permanent congressional membership.

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