Sequel to "Sleepless in Seattle" —- "Clueless in Washington."

Mayor Reed is supporting someone who has been disbarred and pocketed money earmarked for someone else? What does that tell you about him?

The main reason schools cost so now is federal mandates. Budgets are consumed by mindless bureaucratic policies from Washington.

"We have met the enemy and they is us." — Pogo the Possum (drawn by cartoonist Al Capp)

Hammond Drive is a parking lot during rush hour. So now they're building two new multi-resident properties. Brilliant!

Poor education is quickly converting the US into a third world country. Ever notice how the economies of states who pay attention to schools are leaving Georgia in the dust economically while we grovel for any jobs we can get?

10/30 - Best group of vents ever. Libs must be stuck online for healthcare.

Europeans are upset about our spying but they do it too and just don't want to admit it.

Why do people making U-turns at lights always hesitate and almost cause an accident every time?

You actually thought Eastwood's empty chair was a hit the first time?

If you think governments only create government jobs you really need to talk to defense contractors, parts suppliers and their families and study economics instead of repeating cliches.

You haven't hit the donut hole yet because it's gone. Obamacare got rid of it.

We complain about politicians and broken government and then elect someone like Ted Cruz as a Senator. Go figure.

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