Item: Doraville (DeKalb)

Bill Baxter hopes a solution can be found for a problem that has persisted for decades. The issue he has faced is a railroad crossing that is dangerous for cars.

“There is a railroad crossing at the intersection of Buford Highway and Amwiler Road in Doraville that is so rough that it can give your vehicle front end alignment problems. It has been several years since the responsible railroad company has done any work on it. A simple photograph won’t show the unevenness. You would have to traverse it yourself to understand the problem. I’ve been living near the intersection for 30 years now and it only gets rougher,” Baxter wrote.

We sent the issue to the railroad company and will let you know when a solution to the rough crossing is completed.

Days on list: 2

Who’s looking into it: CSX media department,

Item: Woodstock (Cherokee)

Howard Cox wants something done about some road signs that are causing issues in Cherokee County.

The two road signs are “located on I-575 southbound from Ga. Highway 92 in Woodstock. The first sign lets motorists know that the Bells Ferry Road exit is 1 1/4 miles ahead and the next sign, which is almost not visible, is the actual exit location,” Cox wrote.

He said he uses this route frequently and knows when to get off of I-575, but is sure that other people miss their exit.

“As you can see, the first sign needs some trees trimmed and the actual exit sign needs some extensive trimming. It seems rather ironic that massive amount of trees were clear cut for the Peach Pass lane construction only to install very large fences to help with noise,” he added.

We sent the issue to the DOT and will keep you updated.

Days on list: 2

Who’s looking into it: Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of ‍Transportation,