Update-DeKalb County

Earlier in June, we told you about a water break on Beech Drive.

“The break caused sinkholes along the residential streets of Beech Drive and Celia Way. These are not potholes, but sinkholes that are five-feet deep in several spots,” said Kevin Polite.

We got a response back from the county.

“An emergency contract to repair the damaged section of Beech Drive and Celia Way was signed on June 5. Contractors will replace the existing road and a section of a water line as well as perform some stream bank restoration. The project is expected to begin the week of June 19 and take approximately 30 days, weather permitting. The needed repairs to the road are the result of damage to a 36-inch water main,” wrote the county’s communications director Andrew Cauthen.

Days on list: 7

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.go

Update-DeKalb County

In late May, we told you about Rob Roark’s complaint over a fire hydrant being destroyed by illegally parked trucks

“This hydrant is located just south of the Pilot Travel Center on Continental Way in DeKalb County, just off I-285 and Bouldercrest Road,” Roark wrote.

We heard back from DeKalb officials who said the site had been assessed by engineers and the work is scheduled to begin in the next 30 days. No parking signs will be installed to prevent trucks from parking.

Days on list: 21

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

New item-Atlanta

Clay Edwards is upset over a busy intersection at West Paces Ferry Road and Habersham Road.

“When going north on Habersham Road, there should be a left turn only lane and arrow light at this intersection, or as an alternative a light allowing drivers going north to turn left or go straight before the oncoming drivers continuing south, would be an easy solution,” he wrote.

He said if a driver or more are blocking the single lane going north trying to turn left, you might wait through two or three traffic lights before you’re able to continue straight.

We sent the item to the city and will let you know when we have an update.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner William Johnson, 404-330-6240, wmjohnson@atlantaga.gov