New item-Forsyth County

We heard from a reader about a dangerous intersection.

“I am writing this email to request help to garner support for our community StoneBridge located at the intersection of Peachtree Parkway (Hwy.141) and Mason Drive in Forsyth County,” wrote Saritha Thotli.

Thotli said Mason Drive and Peachtree Parkway is one of the most dangerous intersections that you will come across without a traffic light.

“There is absolutely no visibility of the cars coming on the 141 north or south if a driver wants to enter our community, or visit the businesses or vice-versa. The U-turn option on either side makes it more difficult. If you happen to check official records there are a number of minor and major accidents that have occurred here over the years,” Thotli added. The reader asked for help in getting the right attention to this cause and installing a traffic light before someone loses their life.

We sent the item to the DOT and will let you know what happens.

Days on list: 6

Who’s looking into it: Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of ‍Transportation,


Last week, we told you about a resident’s concern over a pothole on Marietta Road at Adams Drive. We got a quick response back from the city.

“The pothole has been repaired. The Department of Watershed Management and the Department of Public Works were on site to make the repair,” wrote the city.

Days on list-13

Who got it fixed: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Richard Mendoza, 404-330-6240,

New item-DeKalb County

A reader sent in a complaint about a deep drop-off in DeKalb County.

“I am very concerned about a dangerous situation across the street from 1096 Biltmore Drive . There is a steep drop off and no shoulder for about 25 feet on the northbound side. This is almost immediately after a curve with limited sight. This is the only place on the entire road where there is no shoulder. I am very concerned that if someone is backing out of the driveway an oncoming car could swerve and go down the hill,” wrote Sylvia Broome.

We sent the item to Dekalb County and will keep you updated.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: DeKalb County Chief Communications Officer Burke Brennan,