Suwanee chooses Ireland as next mayor pro tem

Suwanee City Hall located on Town Center Avenue.

Credit: Johnny Crawford

Credit: Johnny Crawford

Suwanee City Hall located on Town Center Avenue.

The Suwanee City Council voted unanimously to elect Councilmember Doug Ireland to serve as mayor pro tempore for 2017. The position assumes the duties and powers of the mayor during the mayor’s disability or absence.

Suwanee functions under a council-manager form of government, with the city council comprised of six members, including the mayor. Councilmembers approve the city’s annual budget, make appointments to various citizen-run boards, and vote on re-zonings and variance requests. They also work cooperatively with various regional and state organizations to address issues of regional impact.

The mayor presides over council meetings, votes along with other councilmembers on issues, and often serves as Suwanee’s official representative at area meetings, ribbon-cuttings, and ceremonial functions. The mayor signs the city’s official contracts and agreements.

A professionally trained city manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the city. Functioning as Suwanee’s chief operations officer, the city manager prepares the budget, manages staff, and implements the city’s broad policies.