Two proposed, self-storage projects had different fates before the Sandy Springs City Council: One had the neighbors upset and was rejected, while the other had community support and was approved.

The council denied a conditional use permit for RRB Development to build a three-story, 720-unit storage facility at 8040 Roswell Road, site of the former Sandy Springs Gun Club. Residents expressed concerns about traffic, unsightliness, too many storage facilities in the area, and other issues. The Planning Commission recommended denial, saying the project “adversely impacts future plans for the (north) area and traffic along Brantley Road.”

The council then approved a conditional use permit for a three-story, 1,000-unit self-storage facility by Taylor/Theus Holdings Inc. at 120 Northwood Drive.

The project, which would replace an existing commercial building, includes a park with playground for local youngsters, and space to let three nonprofits remain on the site: La Amistad and Los Ninos Primero, which offer academic programs to Latino children, and a satellite office of the Community Assistance Center, a social services provider.