Walking should be easier with the overlay of rubberized surfaces on concrete walking tracks at three Cobb County parks.

The Cobb County Board of Commissioners has awarded a $177,640 contract to Beynon Sports Services Inc., the low bidder. The rubberized surfaces will be installed on:

  • a 1/2-mile walking loop at the Mud Creek Soccer Complex, 5600 Ernest Barrett Parkway, Marietta.
  • a 1/4-mile loop at Hurt Road Park, 990 Hurt Road, Marietta.
  • a 1/4-mile loop at Sweetwater Park, 2447 Clay Road, Austell.

No new maintenance or operational costs are associated with this project. Funding will come from the 2016 P.A.R.K.S. Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, the penny sales tax.