Quotes from the crowd at health care forum

Voices from the forum Monday on national health care reform at Georgia Perimeter College.

“We believe in single-payer health care for everybody in this country. If your feet are on the ground, you’re covered.”

- Margie Rece, Decatur

“I worry about passing a really big bill like health care. I’m really worried about the spending we’re doing.”

- Maxine Parish, Atlanta

“DeKalb has a good reputation for social demeanor.”

- Todd McDonald, Clarkston

“I just want to know how it’s going to affect me. Neither side is telling me anything.”

- Elizabeth Waddell, Atlanta

“Health care reform is consuming an ever-growing portion of the GDP. [Reform] bigger than anything we’re going to learn about in medical school.”

- Steven Trau, Emory University Medical School student

“My fear is that there’s very little details. It’s all about ‘trust me, I’m here to help.’ But they want to spend $1 trillion.”

- David Pence, Atlanta