Rezoning for a townhouse development at 3091, 3149 and 3215 New Macland Road is scheduled to be considered by the Powder Springs City Council on March 18 after being tabled 5-0 on Feb. 4.
For PZ-19-001, applicant Doug Patton of Manor Restorations in Marietta is requesting to rezone 13.5 acres from Single-Family Residential (R20) to Medium-Density Residential (MDR) for 47 townhouses north of Macedonia Road.
During the Feb. 4 City Council meeting, the Council Chamber was packed with people in opposition - an estimated 50 people who also have posted several yard signs on New Macland Road to express their views.
During the Feb. 4 Council meeting, five residents spoke in opposition - Sandra Hanson, Nikki Mitchell, Patrick Hanson, James Walden and Lynette Lester - noting their concerns about environmental conservation, flooding, schools, traffic and maintaining the single-family home character of their neighborhood.
Mayor Al Thurman said stipulations can be put in place to address issues with the pond, adding that the city is going to change, change is coming and the city’s tax base needs to diversify.
City Council members agreed that Patton needed more time to meet with the community to try to work out their differences.
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