With Powder Springs Mayor Al Thurman breaking the tie, three matters received recent approval by the City Council.

Councilmen Patrick Bordelon and Henry Lust voted in favor with Councilwomen Nancy Farmer and Patricia Wisdom voting their opposition.

Councilwoman Doris Dawkins was absent.

From the General Fund, $245,000 will be spent to upgrade the city’s signage program.

That includes design trail, downtown signage and then design, manufacture and installation of renovated and expanded citywide signage.

Previously, city officials approved the rebrand of the city’s logo in 2016 and guidelines for use of the new brand and logo, including their use in upgrades to the city’s existing sign program.

Then the Council accepted an agreement with National Sign Plaza for manufacture and installation of an updated city wayfinding signage program in the downtown and on city trails.

Also from the General Fund, $225,000 will be used for the capital projects fund for redevelopment project costs of the city’s development authority for items such as acquisition, surveying, legal and inspections.