Each Powder Springs household is expected to pay $12 more, during the next budget year from July 1 to June 30, 2020, for storm water management services.
Powder Springs city officials will host a second Fiscal Year 2020 Budget open house from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. May 9 in the Council Chambers, 4488 Pineview Drive, Powder Springs.
The first reading of the FY20 budget and public hearing will be 7 p.m. May 20 followed by the second reading, public hearing and adoption at 7 p.m. June 3 - also in the Council Chambers.
Including six months of reserves, the balanced budget is $11,512,710 based on the current millage rate of 9.5 mills.
FY20 budget presentation (17 pages): CityOfPowderSprings.org/DocumentCenter/View/5142/FY2020-City-of-Powder-Final
FY20 budget book (129 pages): CityOfPowderSprings.org/DocumentCenter/View/5147/FY2020-Final-Budget-Book
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