Scheduled to open in May, the Silver Comet Senior Village is a $37 million investment that will provide $180,000 in annual taxes to the city, with 154 apartments and 75 new jobs.

A job fair will be held there - at 4900 Richard D. Sailors Parkway - during the second week in February, Powder Springs Councilman Henry Lust said.

During the January State of the City address, Powder Springs Mayor Al Thurman introduced the City Council members and city department heads who each gave an update concerning various aspects of city development.

Beginning in February, Lust said 60 new townhomes will be built downtown in exchange for a new public road.

This $438,000 investment will be called The Gate of Powder Springs, he added.

Lust said other downtown developments are a $100,000 group home and a $79,000 space that is under contract for nearly $90,000.

Also downtown, the Country Store has been purchased to be a new retail renovation, he added.

A city map shows planned developments include Extra Space Self Storage, a hotel, the Paradise Car Wash between the police department and the bank, Paran Homes Quads for ages 55 and over and Olympia Homes Townhouses - all along Richard Sailors Parkway.

Other developments include a Little Caesar’s, 44 new townhomes in Silverbrooke, The Enclave townhomes, 106 new single-family homes on Lewis Road and the Vineyards of New Macland.
