A 20-year plan was approved 5-0 Oct. 16 by the Powder Springs City Council with five goals and five areas for redevelopment.

Selected by community input, the goals are:

  • Create and implement a plan to revitalize and activate downtown and bring in needed activity to the area.
  • Redevelop older, underutilized strip shopping centers.
  • Improve and streamline the business licensing processes to continue to attract and retain businesses in the city.
  • Attract users of the Silver Comet Trail to Powder Springs with improved signage, wayfinding and facilities.
  • Create a marketing and branding strategy to breathe "fresh life" into the city and attract new residents, businesses and development.

The areas for redevelopment include economic development with 43 projects, land use with six projects, community facilities and services with 18 projects, natural and historic resources with nine projects and transportation with 49 projects.

Information: SpringsInMotion.com, CityOfPowderSprings.org.