Plan emerge for connector roads in downtown Fayetteville

A preliminary concept drawing shows how a road between the library and the new city hall in Fayetteville would provide access but discourage cut-throughs. Courtesy Fayette County

A preliminary concept drawing shows how a road between the library and the new city hall in Fayetteville would provide access but discourage cut-throughs. Courtesy Fayette County

Fayette County and the city of Fayetteville are moving closer to agreeing on a plan for new roads that will connect public spaces in the vicinity of the county library.

The Board of Commissioners voted 4-1 on May 9 to develop an intergovernmental agreement with the city to add a short road between the library and the new city hall and park complex being built on the former school board property. County and city officials met with library staff on May 2, and an 18-point memo regarding traffic elements and safety provisions will guide development of the IGA. An apartment building is planned for the area west of the library and park, and other pedestrian and road connections will be added.

Commissioner Eric Maxwell voted against the measure, citing concerns about more traffic density in an “already overburdened” area.