Last week was a hectic day at the Capitol, with crowded aisles and long lines. Amidst all the chaos, however, a group of Latinos had reason to celebrate.

On Feb. 22, the Georgia House of Representatives honored members of the Georgia Hispanic Construction Association for their efforts and contributions to the Latino community.

A warm round of applause echoed from the chamber floors for the organization, which received the recognition as part of House Resolution 155, sponsored by Representative Pedro Marín, D - Duluth, District 96.

For the committee which works hand in hand with GHCA, it was a memorable moment.

“We are very happy. It’s a recognition not just for the association, but for the work of all the people who work in the construction industry here in Georgia, of all the Hispanics who go to work every day and contribute to this state’s economy,” said GHCA Executive Director Héctor Montalvo, who also spoke about the benefits that the organization offers to participating business owners.

“In matters like these, we as a community are given the opportunity to have a voice, and to me, that is an incredible thing,” explained Wilson Tomala, President of GHCA.

For six years, the organization has worked tirelessly to educate and help Latinos to open businesses and create employment in the construction industry.

“It’s been a big effort, a lot of work. We started with practically nothing, with the idea of finding representation for Hispanic businesses, in order to be seen and heard by the big companies,” said Guiomar Obregón, a founding partner and former president of GHCA.

Obregón added that, from its inception, one of GHCA’s missions has been to demonstrate that “Hispanics have professional and organized businesses, and we want to take part in those opportunities that present themselves.”

For his part, Marín emphasized that it was important to recognize the efforts of the Hispanic construction workforce in Georgia.