In Kennesaw, the Splash Pad at Swift-Cantrell Park, 3140 Old 41 Highway, is open to the public now through Sept. 2.
The 3,200-square-foot amenity offers water-play options controlled by motion sensors.
Elements include a fountain spray, ground geyser, jet stream, magic mist and multiple sea silhouettes.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. almost daily but not Thursdays.
Also beginning Aug. 1, the Splash Pad only will be open on Saturdays and Sundays but also on Labor Day, Sept. 2, the closing day.
Hours may vary due to weather.
Admission is $2 per person but free for children ages 2 and under.
Payment is accepted only by major credit/debit cards.
Free days will be July 4 and Labor Day.
Information, including daily weather updates:
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