The Johns Creek City Council has approved contracts valued at more than $100,000 to have the Autrey Mill Nature Preserve and Keep North Fulton Beautiful manage environmental programs for the community.

Autrey Mill was awarded a $15,000 contract to run the Creek Cleanup/Creek Crawl; the Adopt-A-Stream program; Fats, Oils and Grease (F.O.G.) education; a community awareness campaign; and the EverGreen Schools environmental education program. The $15,000 includes a $1,500 discount for the awarding of five services, according to a staff report to the council.

Keep North Fulton Beautiful got an $89,200 contract to run the Household Hazardous Waste Collection, Bulky Recycling and Bring One for the Chipper (Christmas tree) events, and the Adopt-A-Road program.

Federal and state pollutant discharge and storm sewer permits require Johns Creek to conduct eight environmental community events a year. The city previously ran three in-house and contracted with Keep North Fulton Beautiful to run five. Last summer, the council decided to rebid that contract.