The Holly Springs City Council is to discuss at its Monday work session eliminating a local prohibition against the sale of firearms and ammunition.

The ordinance amendments apply to city codes regarding pawn shops and garage sales, according to an agenda packet. One amendment says that pursuant to state law, “weapons” (rather than “firearms”) “shall not be regulated,” and pawnbrokers must comply with all record-keeping and other requirements for “weapons” (replacing “firearms”).

Another amendment, on garage sales, drops a prohibition on the sale of firearms and ammunition. Language forbidding the sale of fireworks and hazardous materials would remain in city codes.

The changes would bring city ordinances into compliance with state law, a Holly Springs spokeswoman said. Cities and counties may not regulate gun shows, firearms dealers or “the possession, ownership, transport, carrying, transfer, sale, purchase, licensing or registration of firearms,” according to one state statute.

The amendments are expected to appear on the Feb. 27 Council agenda.