Henry, Clayton partner on road project

The Anvil Block Road improvement project will include work in Clayton and Henry counties.

The Anvil Block Road improvement project will include work in Clayton and Henry counties.

The Henry County Board of Commissioners approved an intergovernmental agreement with Clayton County regarding the ongoing improvements on Anvil Block Road. The unanimous vote was taken at the board’s Feb. 6 regular meeting.

Work has already started on the SPLOST widening and improvement project, for which some work must be done on the Clayton County side to allow the Henry County portion to tie in properly, according to officials. Under the deal struck between the two counties, Henry County will acquire right of way and perform construction on the portion of the project located within Clayton County. Clayton County will reimburse Henry County each month for the construction costs on the Clayton County portion.

SPLOST transportation director Roque Romero told the board that paving should start within a month and the project will likely be completed in late summer.