Paying for college will be a little easier for the families of eight Gwinnett high school students, thanks to Walton EMC.
Gwinnett County Public Schools announced Monday that eight of its students had been honored with Walton Trust Scholarships, which are handing out by the aforementioned power company each year. According to the GCPS news release:
"More than 200 students applied for the scholarship that helps fund postsecondary education at a college or technical school. Applicants were evaluated on work ethic, triumph over obstacles, community service, and extracurricular activities. The scholarship committee also reviewed recommendations from teachers and other adults involved in the students' lives. Of those who applied, 33 students were selected to receive scholarships of $4,000. Another 29 students were awarded runner-up scholarships of $1,000."
The local winners represent five different GCPS schools:
• Michael Adeola, Brookwood High School
• Michael Bowler, Brookwood High School
• Masyn Power, Brookwood High School
• John Andrew Jehle, Grayson High School
• Brendon Machado, Gwinnett School of Math, Science and Technology
• Mary Faith Kaswinkel, Parkview High School
• Joshua Shields, Parkview High School
• Nicholas Partain, Shiloh High School
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