A former Target cashier told police it started as an accident, but now she's facing theft charges for allegedly stealing more than $12,000 through gift cards.

Takevia Turner worked at the Holcomb Bridge Road store in Norcross, Channel 2 Action News reported.

Turner allegedly rang up thousands of dollars in gift cards for her boyfriend and cousin but took in next to nothing in return, causing her registers to come up short at the end of her shifts.

Surveillance video from the store led to Turner, according to the police report.

She told police that the first incident was an accident. She said she typed in an extra zero when her boyfriend came in to buy a $100 gift card, the police report said. She said when she got home and realized her mistake, she didn't do anything about it.

The store believes Turner took more than $12,000 in six incidents.

"I needed the money," police quote her as saying.

She was arrested last week and faces multiple counts of theft by taking. She has been released from jail on bond.