The design phase for the Rogers Bridge Project has been underway since June of 2016. The project is funded with a Federal Transportation Alternatives Project Grant in the amount of $500,000 for the preconstruction design phase. The city has partnered with Johns Creek and Fulton and Gwinnett Counties to match the preconstruction grant. $100,000 local dollars is split equally between the four entities to match the $400,000 federal dollars as awarded by the Atlanta Regional Commission.

Duluth applied for, and was preliminarily awarded, a construction grant in the amount of $4.6 million. Similarly, this phase will require an agreement with the three partner agencies.

Federal funding requires the city to follow GDOT’s Plan Development Process. To date, this has included a comprehensive public involvement process, an in-depth alternatives analysis, and a complete concept report. The project also requires a full environmental process which started with the design phase and will culminate in an approved National Environmental Policy Act document at the conclusion of the preliminary design phase.