In DeKalb county, scattered rainstorms worried poll workers that voters would not come to the polls. But the sun is out - and so are the people.

According to DeKalb voting poll workers at the Peace Baptist Church in Decatur, 81 people had cast their ballots, as of 1 p.m. Because of the fluctuating numbers, workers do not know what to expect for the rest of the day.

Louis Quarterman, a voter who came out this afternoon, said his decision wasn’t an easy one.

“It was a toss off between (Democratic gubernatorial candidates) Stacey Evans and Stacey Abrams,” said Quarterman.

A passionate believer in excellent education for Georgia students, he said his main concern was making sure schools gave students the education they deserved.

For this reason, said Quarterman, his vote went to Abrams.

While Evans lost one vote, she still has a supporter in Quarterman who said he respects the Democratic candidate because of her humble background. Evans was born to a single teen mom.

Despite Quarterman’s respect for Evans, his concern over welfare also convinced him Abrams was the right pick.

DeKalb voters still have time to vote at their assigned precinct. Polls close at 7 p.m.

What’s on the ballot in DeKalb:

Here's a look at the major DeKalb government and school races for the May 22 primary.