Both of Decatur’s homestead exemption resolutions, one from the city the other from City Schools Decatur, are now one step away from passage, Decatur Mayor Patti Garrett said Monday.

Both have received two readings in the House, and could receive the third reading and vote — with a two-thirds majority needed — by as early as this week.

The exemptions passed the Senate two weeks ago, and upon passing the House they’d require the governor’s signature and voter approval in November to become law.

The city’s proposed homestead exemption is divided into three parts, including a general exemption for homeowners 62 and over whose household income does not exceed $50,000. The schools’ exemption would eliminate payment of school ad valorem taxes on the homes of all residents 65 and over.

The school resolution, however, includes a five-year sunset provision, meaning the exemption could be revised — likely to add an income restriction — after five years.