Cumming runoff turnout sets record

Forsyth county elections chief Barbara Luth presided over Tuesday’s Cumming City Council runoff vote, which apparently set a record.

Forsyth county elections chief Barbara Luth presided over Tuesday’s Cumming City Council runoff vote, which apparently set a record.

The head of Forsyth County’s voter registrations and elections department says turnout in the in the Cumming City Council Post 1 runoff election is the highest she’s ever seen in any runoff in the county.

Barbara Luth said 552 people voted for a 20.6 percent turnout of registered voters. Similar runoff votes usually draw perhaps 2 or 3 percent of the electorate, she said.

Challenger Chad Crane defeated incumbent Chuck Welch in the hotly-contested election. The runoff became necessary when the candidates tied in the Nov. 7 election. Luth said no glitches marred the runoff vote Tuesday.