Written comments and requests for a public hearing need to be made by Nov. 24 to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, concerning its intent to change an air quality operating permit for Caraustar Industries Inc., 3400 Joe Jerkins Blvd., Austell, to allow the removal of two inoperable boilers and decrease emissions by half.

The draft permit amendment is available for review at the Air Protection Branch, 4244 International Parkway, Atlanta Tradeport, Suite 120, Atlanta, GA 30354 - to where comments should be mailed - and online at www.georgiaair.org/airpermit/html/permits/draft.html.

A written request for a public hearing should specify air quality issues at Caraustar.

After Nov. 24, the Georgia EPD will issue a proposed permit amendment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a 45-day review (www.epa.gov/region4/air/permits).

Then the EPD will issue a final Part 70 Operating Permit Amendment with copies of the final Title V Operating Permit, comments received and EPD’s responses to comments available for public review at the Air Protection Branch office.

Information: 404-363-7000, caraustar.com.