College Park’s Recreation Department has launched an improvement program for the Bill Badgett Stadium track, with resurfacing currently underway. The rubber surface (top layer) has been removed, with an inspection of the asphalt base to follow.

The project is anticipated to take several weeks. Meanwhile, Woodward Academy is graciously allowing the City of College Park to utilize its track for the summer track program.

Recently, the Office of the City Manager, as well as that of Director of Recreation Keith James were recently briefed on considerations for a number of small-scale parks enhancements throughout the city. There appear to be various opportunities at both Barrett Park and Charles Phillips Park for enhancements, including new water fountains and outdoor exercise features.

The City of College Park continues to review improvements and conditions of parks citywide.

Aesthetic improvements at the entrance to the 150-acre business park located at Clipper Drive and Godby Road are also under consideration, in conjunction with Atlanta’s Department of Aviation. The purpose of this effort is to update cosmetics, including signage and branding in an effort to showcase the property as a viable business park.

A nationwide selection process to commission an artist to develop a sculpture component for the entrance has also been put in place by the Department of Aviation.