Cobb Criminal Investigations is looking for two suspects involved in thefts and burglaries.

Recently, a man and woman dressed in golf-type shirts and khaki pants and driving a small white pickup truck, approached a homeowner and asked about cutting trees and brush in the back yard.

While the female led the homeowner to the back yard, the male attempted to enter the house to commit a theft.

The suspects use clipboards and try to appear to be conducting “official” business.

In one instance, they said they were with the Kennesaw Parks and Recreation Department to conduct a survey about installing a fence around Swift Cantrell Park.

However, Kennesaw officials say they have no such plans.

Information: Lt. D.D. Zell at 770-499-3967, Sgt. R. Lang at 770-499-4172 or Sgt. J. Mobley at 770-590-5772 or