Cobb residents who reside in neighborhoods off Maner, Riverview and Oakdale Roads are warned to be more vigilant to help decrease the recent spike in thefts from and of vehicles.
“Our officers have and are heavily zone patrolling the neighborhoods that have been impacted by the thefts and, in several cases, have located individuals suspected of the thefts,” said Cobb Police Major J.D. Adcock, commander of Precinct 3, in a news release.
“Additionally, we have several detectives who are assigned to investigate these thefts; and their efforts will be successful,” he added.
Adcock said he has noted the following patterns:
- In more than 90 percent of the incidents, the victim's vehicle was left unlocked.
- In several cases, the keys to the car were left in the vehicle.
- In a few cases, the victims left their garage door open overnight which allowed for the theft.
- Residents have not called 911 to report suspicious activity.
The Cobb County Police Department recommends that residents always lock their vehicles - even when parked in their driveways, never store valuables in vehicles, always ensure their garage doors are closed when unattended and always call 911 anytime suspicious activity is observed.
Information: 770-499-4501,
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