Angela Lira said she couldn't remember running into a power pole and fire hydrant on West Marietta Street early Wednesday morning, knocking the pole over the street and its live wires across a semi truck.

"I was at the stoplight and I blacked out," said Lira, 18, who was on her way to cosmetology classes at the nearby Paul Mitchell School. "All I remembered was the car turning then I woke up," she said.

Atlanta Fire Rescue was called to 952 West Marietta Street just after 7 a.m. after the Honda that Lira was driving knocked over the hydrant and pole.

The driver of the truck, who refused to be identified, works for Cowan Systems LLC. He was unhurt, but knew not to get out of the cab until firefighters and power crews assured him the power was cut off.

" He did the right thing," said Atlanta Fire Capt. Bobby Ferrell, who said the downed wires could have proved lethal. "Never open the door and get out of your car when wires are down," he said. "Treat all downed wires as if they are live and energized."

Traffic was shut down until 8:45 a.m. when eastbound lanes were reopened. Several businesses for one block remained without power as crews tried to restore the service.

Fellow students comforted the shaken Lira, who was treated at the scene by Grady emergency medical personnel for minor injuries. Police are not charging her, but she had another worry.

"My insurance is going up," Lira said with a nervous laugh. "I also would say don't pressure yourself with going to work and going to school."