Originally scheduled for Jan. 29, Clayton County Public Schools has rescheduled the 2018-2019 Superintendent’s State of the Schools Address for 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7 at the Clayton County Performing Arts Center, 2530 Mt. Zion Parkway, Jonesboro, according to a press release. The threat of inclement weather prompted officials to postpone the event.
“While we are eager to share the strides we have made during this school year, we understand that the safety of our expected guests and stakeholders is of the utmost importance,” said Superintendent of Schools, Morcease J. Beasley. “It is our hope that all stakeholders will be able to attend the rescheduled State of the Schools Address, as we look forward to informing everyone about our great gains and the innovative approach we are taking in Clayton County Public Schools to ensure all students are prepared to experience global success.”
The address will provide suporters and partners in education with information about the state of affairs for Clayton County Public Schools as well as highlight accomplishments made during this school year and reveal plans for the future.
Information: www.clayton.k12.ga.us
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