Cherokee County OKs Veterans Park educational garden

Site plan depicts an orchard, raised garden beds and other features of an outdoor educational facility at Cherokee Veterans Park planned by the UGA Cooperative Extension, Cherokee County Master Gardeners and Cherokee Recreation & Parks. CHEROKEE COUNTY

Site plan depicts an orchard, raised garden beds and other features of an outdoor educational facility at Cherokee Veterans Park planned by the UGA Cooperative Extension, Cherokee County Master Gardeners and Cherokee Recreation & Parks. CHEROKEE COUNTY

Cherokee Veterans Park in Canton will soon be getting an outdoor educational orchard and garden, under an intergovernmental agreement with the University of Georgia approved by the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners.

The project involves the UGA Cooperative Extension, Cherokee Recreation & Parks and the Cherokee County Master Gardener’s Club, according to a county staff report to commissioners.

The facility will have a small fruit orchard, raised ADA-accessible garden beds, berry bushes, a hill of wildflowers, a greenhouse and a teaching pavilion. It is planned for a quarter-acre site next to the Veterans Park maintenance building, an area not designated for future development.

According to the agreement, the county will provide the labor to install a fence, irrigation system and raised garden beds; and will let the extension service and master gardeners conduct programs and fund-raising there. The extension service will provide materials and equipment and cooperate with the county and master gardeners on the upkeep of the facility.