Cherokee County recreational facilities and offices, closed by the COVID-19 pandemic, will follow Gov. Brian Kemp’s lead and begin reopening to the public in early May under a schedule approved Tuesday by the county Board of Commissioners.

After the governor's shelter in place order expires April 30, the Cherokee County Recreation Center, Aquatic Center, Union Hill Community Center and parks – including athletic fields and courts – will open Friday, May 1, according to the staff-recommended reopening calendar.

Other parks facilities including open spaces, boat ramps and trails currently open will remain open, subject to social distancing and limits on large gatherings. Playgrounds, pavilions and the Skate Park will remain closed. Staff is evaluating specific recreational programs to determine which can be re-started.

The county Administration Building and Elections Office will reopen to the general public Monday, May 4. The Senior Center, however, will remain closed, given the vulnerability of its clients. Information: